Duplicate login alert

Duplicate Login

Multiple logins with the same user ID is only permitted once per device. For example, with the same user ID, you cannot be logged in more than once in a PC or Mac. So, you cannot be logged into WeldTrace using Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers simultaneously. But, you are allowed to be logged into a PC, an iPad and a phone using the app simultaneously. 

Duplicate Login Alert

If the same user ID is used to login from another computer or another browser, a warning message will be shown.
Duplicate login alert
The alert message will show: "Your login credentials have been used to login from another device of the same type as you are logged in now. Concurrent logins for the same device type is not permitted. If you click yes, you will be logged out from the other device automatically. Do you wish to proceed?" If you click Yes, the session where your credentials were used to login will be closed. Please see below. 

Duplicate Login Warning

If the user selects to proceed with the login in the previous step, the session that is already logged in will be logged out. A warning message will be shown to the user who is already logged in to save their work within 30 seconds: "Duplicate login alert: Your login credentials have been used to login from another device of the same type as you are logged in now. Concurrent logins for the same device type is not permitted. You will be logged out in 30 seconds. Please save your work."
Duplicate login warning

Dual Monitors

If you want to use WeldTrace in two monitors, right click on the browser tab and click on "duplicate" or "duplicate tab." Then drag the duplicate tab to another monitor. See this short video on how to do that:
WeldTrace in two monitors

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