Fitters or boilermakers list in WeldTrace


This knowledge base article is about adding and managing fitters or boilermakers in WeldTrace. 
Fitters List

  1. All the fitters/boilermakers in your account will be listed here. Only the fitters with the 'active' status will be available for use in projects. Click on a fitter ID to view that fitter's certifications and other details of that fitter;
  2. The status button for active status is a tick mark. A cross indicates that the fitter is marked as inactive;
  3. Click here to add a fitter and that fitter's certifications;
  4. Click here to view the fitters' certificates expiry report for all the fitters;
  5. Click here to add fitters and their certifications by importing a CSV file. A CSV file (comma separated values) can be edited using Excel;
  6. Click here to export the fitters list to a CSV file that you can open with Excel;

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