Gantt chart for projects in WeldTrace

Gantt Chart

You can view the welding data in the form of Gantt charts in WeldTrace. This is available only for the Pro plan users.

Button to view the Gantt chart in project details page
  1. Click on this button to view the Gantt chart;

Gantt chart for project data
  1. Enter some characters to find the tag. The Gantt chart will display the data for one tag at a time;
  2. Click here to load the data;
  3. The welds will be shown nested by drawing number;
  4. The duration is the number of days between the 'planned date' and 'completion date';
  5. The length of the bar is a representation of the number of days. You will see the text 'Production' on the bar;
  6. The blue diamonds represent the milestones or dates NDE tests were done on a weld. When you mouse over a diamond, the test type will be displayed;
  7. The visual inspection dates are shown as red diamonds or milestones;
  8. You may change the view from days, weeks or months;

Read the next article: Project Analytics

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