Create a preliminary WPS in WeldTrace

How to create a pWPS

The purpose of a preliminary WPS or pWPS is to serve as a guide for the welder who will be welding the PQR test coupon. The pWPS is also used for documenting the welding data as a draft for the procedure qualification PQR that would need to be tested and approved.

In WeldTrace a pWPS must be first created before writing a PQR. One or more PQRs can be created from a pWPS. A pWPS can also be edited at anytime. 

To create a preliminary WPS or pWPS, select the WPS & PQR main menu and click on the "Create WPS" sub-menu. In the drop-down box for "Select WPS Type," select "Create Preliminary WPS" option.
This article has screenshots and the explanation for creating pWPS for ASME IX. The steps and fields will differ for other codes, but the workflow will be similar for AWS D1.1, AWS D1.2, AWS D1.5, AWS D1.6, API 1104 and ISO 15614-1 standards.
Create a preliminary WPS - step 1

Select the standard and units

Then select the standard and the year (e.g. ASME BPVC Sec. IX - 2021) and unit (Metric or US Customary) and click Proceed.
Create a preliminary WPS - step 2

Enter the pWPS number and other details

  1. In the "Qualification Details" section enter a number for the pWPS, revision and pick a date. These fields are mandatory. All the other fields in this section are optional;
  2. You may also pick a customer the pWPS is being written for. If the document is for your own company, do not pick a customer. If you pick a customer, the customer's logo will be displayed as shown here;
  3. You may pick a construction code from the drop-down box;
  4. You may enter a specification and upload the specification document in PDF format. If you upload a file, you will be shown the "Stitch to WPS PDF file?" option. If you check the box, the specification document will be stitched to the PDF output of the pWPS;
Create a preliminary WPS - step 3

Joint details and joint design

  1. Select the joint type in the Joint Details section;
  2. Select the joint design;
  3. If the joint type is groove, the dependent fields such as groove angle, root face will be enabled. Some of these are mandatory fields (shown with a red asterisk);
  4. Select if back gouging and backing are to be used;
  5. If backing is selected as "without," the backing type field will be disabled as shown in the screenshot below;
  6. Select a joint design diagram and a layer sequence diagram - see below;
Create a preliminary WPS - step 4

Joint design diagram and layer sequence diagram

Click on the "Select Joint Design Diagram" field to open this pop up window.
Select or upload a joint design diagram
  1. Click on an image. You may scroll down for more. These are listed in alphabetical order;
  2. After you click on an image, this button will show up. Click "Use" to use this image;
  3. If you want to use a different diagram, click here and upload a file from your computer. You can trim and resize the image once you upload it;
The procedure for selection of the layer sequence diagram is exactly the same as for selecting the joint design diagram.

Selection of base metals

Selection of base metals
  1. Select the alloy for material 1;
  2. Select the product form;
  3. If the second material would be different from the first, select "yes" as shown here and you will be able to pick a different base metal for material 2;
  4. Here you can select the alloy, product form, base metal and the pipe dimension for material 2;
  5. Click on this button to select or if already selected, to change the base metal (see next section);
  6. The selected base metal and its properties will be displayed here;
  7. Select or change the pipe dimension (this button will appear only if pipe or tube is selected as product form) via this button;
  8. The selected pipe's dimensions will be shown here;

Edit the name of the product and dimensions

Edit name of product and dimensions
  1. If you need to change the name of the product click on the note icon;
  2. The "Change Product Form Name" field will appear, where you can type a name that will be shown on the PDF file generated. Click on the tick button to save or on the X button to cancel;
  3. You may also edit the pipe dimensions;
  4. Remember to click on the note icon to edit and once edited click on the tick button to save or on the X button to cancel;

Pick a base metal

Pick a base metal
  1. The selected alloy and product form will be shown here and the results displayed will match these filters. If you do not find a suitable base metal, you may change the product form and look in the results returned. If you still do not find the correct material, you may add an entry to the base metal library - read this article to learn more about adding a material to the WeldTrace library;
  2. You may use the column headings to sort the values and if you click on the drop down box icon in the column heading, you will be able to search and filter the results;
  3. Click on any cell in the row containing the material of your choice;
  4. The details of the selected material will be displayed here;
  5. Click here to save the selected material and close this window;

Pick the pipe dimension

Pick the pipe and its dimension
  1. When you select pipe or tube as the product form, you will be able to select a pipe and its dimensions. Click on the cell showing the wall thickness value that corresponds to the size in the first column and the schedule in the first row. This screenshot is showing the values in mm as the units selected for this pWPS is metric. If you select the US customary units, the values will be shown in inches;
  2. The selected pipe's dimensions will be shown here;
  3. Click here to save and close this window;


Select the appropriate scope for the PQR. If you select "With PWHT," you can scroll down and enter the recommended PWHT values. 
Scope for PQR


You can document the welding data for up to 3 different processes and each process with up to 6 sets of different data for the passes in each process.
Process variables
  1. Multi-process welding procedures can be created. The tab showing the process is highlighted;
  2. Multiple passes for each process. The values for each pass is shown in a tab;
  3. You can copy the values entered in one tab to all the passes using this button;
  4. Information icons such as these can be hovered over to show the message. These can be about the validity of the field or if they are mandatory, such as an essential variable;
  5. Fields that are not applicable based on a previous selection will be disabled and shown crossed out like this;
  6. Values like heat input will be automatically calculated;
  7. This tab will slide out on the right hand side of the screen and will show the range qualified values;

Entering data for multiple passes

You can enter data for up to 6 passes or pass groups. 
  1. When you pick 2 or more for the number of passes, you will find the "Pass" tabs created to enter Gas and Electrical data. So, as in this screenshot, if you pick 3 for the number of passes, there will be 3 tabs created under Gas and Electrical tabs. There is a maximum limit of 6 for the number of passes;
  2. If you have more than 6 passes, you can group the values for some passes as shown here. To edit the name for the default name that is shown in WeldTrace, click on the note & pencil icon;
  3. The name can be edited as shown and when you are done, click the tick icon;
Multiple pass values

Errors will be highlighted

The error messages will be shown and the tabs that contain errors will be highlighted when you save the pWPS as shown in this example:
Data validation and highlighting the errors
  1. The tabs for processes containing errors will be highlighted and the number of errors in that tab will be shown;
  2. The tabs for welding data for a particular process will also be highlighted with the error count;
  3. The same applies for passes as well;
  4. The field validation message will show the text in red if a value is required;
You may edit the saved pWPS at any time.

WPS list page

Once you save the pWPS, you will be returned to the WPS list page where the pWPS will appear along with the approved WPS. The status column will show "Preliminary" for pWPS.
WPS list
  1. You may click on the pWPS number to view the details. An edit button will appear in the details page and you may click on it to edit the pWPS;
  2. This button in the info column is to view and download a PDF of the pWPS. The PDF file will have a watermark across the page, so it is not mistaken for an approved WPS;
  3. This button in the info column is to open a quick view or snippet view of the details. The PQR column will be blank for the pWPS;
  4. The designation column will have a summary of the details in the pWPS;
  5. The status column will show "Preliminary" for pWPS;
Watch a video on creating a pWPS in our YouTube channel:
Read the next article: How to create a PQR from a pWPS

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