Installation of On-premises Version

Installation of On-premises Version

Please follow these instruction in the order shown below to install WeldTrace on-premises version in your local server.

Download and Install Docker

Docker is an application to run containerized software. WeldTrace on-premises version is a containerized software application. So, you need to install Docker in your server.
Docker Desktop
Download Docker
Docker service agreement
Docker sign up
Docker questionnaire
Docker application start
  1. Search for Docker in Google and go to this page where you can download the Docker desktop version. This article shows the screenshots when installed in a Windows computer;
  2. Download and run the application;
  3. Select these two options;
  4. Click OK to complete the setup;
  5. You will then be shown the subscription service agreement. Click Accept;
  6. You can either sign up if your company size or revenue exceed the numbers shown in the service agreement or click on "Continue without signing in". In either case, Docker will run. You may sign up for Docker at a later date;
  7. Complete the Docker survey or skip to start Docker;
  8. When Docker starts, you will see the message "Starting the Docker Engine...";

Download WeldTrace

The next step is to download the on-premises version of WeldTrace. The link to download the on-premises version will be provided to you.
Download WeldTrace and save the files
Extract the compressed files 1
Extract the compressed files 2
Uncompressed files in a folder
Folder within the uncompressed folder
  1. You will see a compressed folder like this;
  2. Right click and click on "Extract all";
  3. Select a destination to store the extracted files and click "Extract";
  4.  You will see the status of the extraction operation;
  5. Once the extraction process is completed, you will see the extracted files in a folder;
  6. You will see another folder containing the WeldTrace files within the uncompressed folder;

Install WeldTrace

Before proceeding with the following steps, please make sure that Docker has been installed and is running
WeldTrace application file
Windows protection warning
Windows protection warning 2
Select path for the database and files
Once the paths are selected, you will see where the files will be stored
Click to run WeldTrace
  1. You will find an application file named "wt". Double click to run this application;
  2. You will be shown a warning message like this with a "Don't run" button. Do not click on this button. Instead click on the "More info" link;
  3. You will be shown another warning that "wt.exe" is an unrecognised app. Click on the "Run anyway" button;
  4. This step has been deleted;
  5. WeldTrace application will now run. Select a folder to store the database and the uploaded files;
  6. Select the folder (one or more subfolders for the database and files) and click the "Select Folder" button;
  7. The folder locations will appear;
  8. Click "Proceed" to run WeldTrace;
  9. You will see the progress bar. This step will take up to 10 minutes to complete, so please be patient;
  10. You will notice the logs appear here. In case WeldTrace does not run completely, you will find some error message at the bottom. Please take a screenshot and send it to us;

Validation of WeldTrace

When WeldTrace has completed the setup, you will see this page for the license verification.
Validation of WeldTrace
  1. Enter the license key provided;
  2. Enter your name and the name of the company. The company name has to be exactly same as has been provided to us to get the license key;
  3. Enter the position and the email address. This email address should be that of the super user or super admin;
  4. Enter a password for the super user account and click on the verify button;

Run WeldTrace

Once the verification is successfully completed, you will be shown the login page.
Login page
Account setup walkthrough 1
Account setup walkthrough 2
Account setup walkthrough 3
Admin page
  1. Please take a note of the login page URL: localhost:3000/#/login. When you give access to other users, this will be the URL that they need to use to login;
  2. Enter the email for username and password provided in the registration page and click login;
  3. Save the password and the login URL when prompted;
  4. You will be shown this onboarding process. This will only be shown once. Click next to continue;
  5.  Select the units, print options and the date format;
  6. Click next to move to the next step;
  7. A stamp and signature that are put together automatically will appear. This is for the super user. When you create a user, this step will run in the background and each user will have a separate set of stamp and signature created and stored for them;
  8. Click "Finish" to complete the onboarding process;
  9. You may navigate to the Admin page where you will see this "Check for updates" button to see if there are any updates available. We will notify all the on-premises account holders when updates are released;


Please make sure that Docker is running and all the applications within Docker are up and running as shown here:
Docker containers
Docker images
Docker volumes
  1. Docker containers;
  2. All the Docker containers will be shown. The status of all them must be "Running";
  3. Docker images;
  4. All the Docker images will be listed. The status of all them must be "In use";
  5. Docker volumes;
  6. All the Docker volumes will be shown. The status of all them must be "In use";

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