Manage project documents in WeldTrace


The project documents section is to store and manage other important project documentation and include them in the project data book, should you wish to. This feature will be very useful if your company does not have a dedicated document control system.
Do not upload drawings, MTCs or material heat certificates, filler metal batch certificates and NDE test reports to the Project Documents section. There are separate areas for these. 
When you click on the "Documents" menu in a project, you will be taken to the documents list page.
Documents List
Here you can see the list of all the documents sorted by the document numbers.

Document Number: Click on the document number to navigate to the document's detail page;
Paper clip: Indicates that a file is present;
Info icon: A tick mark means that the document will be stitched to the Project Data Book when you generate it, provided that the 'Documents' section is included in the Data Book configuration;
Document Type: The type can be selected when a document is created;

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