Project NDE Compliance Report
With this report, you would be able to quickly find out if the set NDT requirements are being met in a project. Click on the view button in the Action column against NDT Compliance in the Reports screen to view the report.
NDE compliance report- The NDE test type is listed in this column;
- NDE requirement set for the project is displayed in this column;
- The column with the list icon will show the number of welds with the tests requested for the test type. The column with the tick icon will show the number of welds that had passed the test and the column with the cross icon will show the number of welds that failed the test;
- This column displays the percentage of welds tested to welds completed;
- This column displays the compliance level. A minimum of 100% must be achieved for full compliance. Any lower than 100% means you are not complying with the project requirement and any more than 100% means you are perhaps wasting money on testing that you may not be required to do;
NDE Compliance Report by Drawing
This report will allow you to find out if the NDT requirements are being met for welds in a drawing. If your client specification demands 100% radiographic testing for a drawing whereas the overall requirement for the project is only 10%, this report will show if the requirements are being met for welds in that drawing.
NDE Compliance by Drawing- The results are grouped by drawing. Select a drawing to filter the list and view the results;
- The results are further grouped by the NDE type;
- The NDE requirement in percentage that is set for the tag associated with this drawing. If the drawing is in multiple tags, there will be more than one row where you will find the drawing - NDE type combination;
- Number of welds for which the tests are requested, tests passed, failed and the tested percentage are shown in these columns;
- NDE compliance percentage for the NDE type for the drawing. A minimum of 100% must be achieved for full compliance;
Note: This report will exclude the welds marked as tracers.
NDE Compliance Report by Tag
This report will allow you to find out if the NDE requirements are being met for welds in a tag or in other words welds in all the drawings associated with an item (tag). If your client specification demands 100% radiographic testing for a pressure vessel or a line, whereas the overall requirement for the project is only 10%, this report will show if the requirements are being met for welds in that tag or item.
NDE Compliance by Tag report- The results are grouped by tag and then drawing. Select a tag to filter the list and view the results;
- The equipment number, line number and class are shown in these columns;
- The results are further grouped by the NDE type;
- The NDE requirement in percentage that is set for the tag. If the tag has multiple drawings, there will be more than one row where you will find the tag - drawing - NDE type combination;
- Number of welds for which the tests are requested, tests passed, failed and the tested percentage are shown in these columns;
- NDE compliance percentage for the NDE type for the tag and drawing. A minimum of 100% must be achieved for full compliance;
Note: This report will exclude the welds marked as tracers.
NDE Compliance Report by Weld
This report will show the list of all welds and their test status.
NDE compliance report by welds- All the welds in the project will be listed in this report. Click here to search for a weld;
- The weld number, tag number and drawing number are shown in these columns;
- The packs (test pack, pressure test pack and PWHT) the weld is in will be shown in these columns with the links to the respective packs;
- The NDE types selected for the project will be listed in these columns;
- A green tick for a test type will mean that the weld has been tested for that test and has passed;
- A red cross will mean that the weld has failed the test;
NDE Compliance Report by Joint Type
This report will show the summary of welds by joint type and product form. This report is available only as a csv download.
NDE compliance report by joint type- All the joint types used in the project will be listed in this column;
- For each product form combination e.g. Pipe to Pipe or Pipe to Plate, there will be a row for each joint type;
- For each product form and joint type combination, there will be a row for each NDE type;
- The data in the columns F to J will be for welds that are planned, completed, tests requested, tests passed and failed;
Progressive Sampling Report
In this report, a failed weld and its tracers are grouped together. Levels 1, 2, 3, etc indicate a tracer weld's precedents or dependents. Weld number in red indicates a failure, green pass and black untested. This report is mainly for compliance with ASME B31.3 and it may be relevant when a client specification nominates progressive sampling.
Progressive sampling report- The first weld in a progressive sampling group will be a failed weld, shown with "1" in a red background. The number 1 represents the first weld for the progressive sampling group and the red background is to indicated that the weld had failed NDE;
- The second weld will be the repair weld of the failed weld. It will be shown with "2" denoting that it is a tracer of the first failed weld. If the weld is untested, it will be shown within a grey background and if it had passed NDE, it will be shown with a green background;
- If there are other welds with "2" in the first column, that means that they are the tracer welds for the first failed weld;
- If any of the tracer welds fail NDE, the failed welds will be automatically added as tracers for the tracer welds;
- Tracer welds' NDE status will be shown colour coded;
- Penalty to column will show the welder ID if penalty is given to a particular welder;
Note: A dotted line is shown between groups of nested welds.
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