Project roles and access control in WeldTrace

Project Roles & Access Control

This knowledge base article is about the project level roles and access control for the welding projects or jobs in WeldTrace. 
The project level roles are different from the account level roles. Unlike the account level roles, the users performing the project level roles can be different from project to project. For example, an account level user can be nominated as the Project Administrator of Project A, whereas he or she could be the Welding Supervisor in Project B and denied access to Project C.

Project Administrator

Someone who has overall control of a project and is able to discharge the functions of all project roles. Is able to edit primary fields, which is not available for other project roles. A project administrator must be an account user. 
The Super User and Account Administrators have access to all the projects as Project Administrators and their names will not be listed for selection to a project role

Project Contributors

The roles "Welding Supervisor" and "Welding Inspector" are called project contributors. These roles are allowed to add and edit data within projects. What these roles can and can't do can be defined in the Access Control screen.

Welding Supervisor

A welding supervisor coordinates the welding activities, such as planning welding and allocation of WPS and welders to jobs, supervises the welders, creates work packs and allocates WPS and welders to jobs, updates completed weld details and plans testing. There can be one or more welding supervisors per project. A welding supervisor must be an account user. Can perform other functions, if access is given.

Welding Inspector

A welding inspector performs visual inspection of welds, coordinates the non-destructive testing of welds and updates the status of welds. There can be one or more welding inspectors per project. A welding inspector must be an account user. Can perform other functions, if access is given. 
The role can be allocated to a user only when the Visual Inspection setting for a project is set above 0%

Project User

Can view some screens and is not allowed to make any changes. There can be one or more project users per project. A project user must be an account user.


Welders (for Pro plan only) can be given edit access for welds. For rest of the menus, they can be given view, print or no access.

Access Control

Please refer the section Project Configuration – Screen Access Control for screen accesses by roles. The access to different sections of a project can be modified for a project from the default settings. 

Only the Super User, Account Administrator and Project Administrator are allowed to change the screen access settings of a project.

Access to certain parts of the project workflow and certain information can either be given or withheld using the Access Control menu. The default permissions for each project role can be viewed in this screen. When a project is created and configured, the default access privileges are automatically accorded to each project role.

The Project Contributors (Welding Supervisor & Welding Inspector) have create, edit or no access to a function or group of functions. 
The Project Users have view, print or no access to a page.
Welders (for Pro plan only) can be given edit access for welds. For rest of the menus, they can be given view, print or no access.
Project access control traffic light system
Project access control traffic light system
  1. The roles and their accesses to pages and functions;
  2. The glowing traffic light will show the level of access the role has for that particular page or function. Red means no access and green is for full access. See the legend for type of access;
  3. Welders (for the Pro plan) can be allowed to claim welds if this slider button is set to green. They will have full edit access for a weld in the planned and allocated stages in the single entry mode;
  4. The legend for the traffic light colours for welding supervisors and inspectors:
    1. Edit: This is highest privilege. A user who can edit can also create, view and print;
    2. Create: This is the second highest privilege. A user who can create can also view and print; 
    3. No access: A user who cannot view the page. This user therefore will be shown the access denied message for the relevant pages; 
  5. The legend for the traffic light colours for users and welders:
    1. Print: A user who can print can also view the page. This user will not be able to create or edit any data;
    2. View: A user who can only view the page. This user will not be able to create or edit or print any data;
    3. No access: A user who cannot view the page. This user therefore will be shown the access denied message for the relevant pages; 
    4. Welds: Welders will have full edit access for a weld in the planned and allocated stages in the single entry mode or no access;
Read the next article: Project calendar and activity chart

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