Cloning a project in WeldTrace

Cloning a Project

This article is about cloning a project into another project. If you are looking to copy or clone a project's settings alone, please refer this article.

Only the Super User and Account Administrators who are given access to the "Admin" menu will be able to clone a project.

Managing Projects in the Admin Menu

Cloning a project 1
  1. Open the "Admin" menu in the "Dashboard" menu group and scroll down the page. You will see a list of projects. You will have to click the clone button in the "Action" column.

Clone a Project

Cloning a project 2
  1. Once you click on the clone button, this window will popup, where you need to enter the project number for the new project;
  2. Enter the project title;
  3. This message will display how many welds and storage space will be deducted from your account for the cloned project;
  4. Click here to proceed;

Cloning a project 3
This message will be shown when the project cloning process starts. If there is not enough welds to spare in your account, the cloning process will not be started. You will be required to order more welds and/or storage space.

Cloning a project 4
You will also receive an email when the project cloning process is initiated.

Cloning a project 5
When the cloning process is completed you will be sent an email. If the cloning process fails, you will receive an email.

In the cloned project
  1. all the welds that were in the planned state will remain in the planned state;
  2. all the welds that were in the allocated state will remain in the allocated state. The WPS and welders added will be cloned;
  3. all the welds that were completed will be moved back to the allocated state with the data for WPS and welders saved;
  4. the planned date for all the welds will be changed to current date i.e. when the cloning process was initiated;
  5. the project configuration will be cloned, including the client, project logo, labels, users, roles, access control, NDE settings and custom fields i.e. all the settings entered in the configuration of the source project;
  6. tags, drawings, materials, consumables and documents including the files will be cloned;
  7. these data will not be cloned: Date completed or completion state for welds & comments for welds, inspection data, test data, repair welds, deleted welds and photographs;
  8. these will not be cloned: work packs, test packs, pressure test, PWHT packs and test reports;
Once the cloning process is completed, all the users added to the source project will have access to the cloned project. 
Read the next article: Gantt Chart

WeldTrace - Total welding project management software
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