The second step in the welding workflow is for welds to be allocated WPS and welders and optionally materials and filler metals. You can do this through the "Weld Log" interface. You will find the "Weld Log" button in the welds list page as well as in the work pack view page. Weld log is for updating welds with WPS, welders, MTCs and other such data for full welding traceability.
Weld Log
In the Weld Log page, you will see all the welds in the project by the "Planned", "Allocated" and "Completed" stages of the workflow. In the Work Pack Weld Log page, you will see only the welds that are in that pack.
Weld Log
- The weld count is for the welds in the project for that stage of the welding workflow;
- By default, the weld log page will load with the welds in the planned stage. You can click on the other two buttons to view the welds in the other two stages;
- You will need to select the WPS first and the welder IDs of the welders qualified and current to the selected WPS will be listed in the next three columns;
- Once you select a welder ID for the root pass, it will be automatically copied to the fill and cap passes. You can change welders or have multiple welders in each pass;
- A padlock icon will appear when a weld is marked as completed, that is when the "Date Welded" field has a date. These completed welds are locked from editing. To edit locked welds in bulk, you will need to use the advanced search feature;
- A human icon means that a weld has WPS and welders allocated, but has not yet been completed;
- A calendar icon means that a weld is in planned stage;
- Pick a date in the calendar for a weld to mark it as completed. The fields to the right of the date welded column can be edited for all the welds, including the locked welds;
- Pick the heat numbers of materials (optional field);
- Pick the machine ID of the machines that are qualified to the selected WPS if you want to track the machine details in the weld traceability log (optional field);
- Pick the batch numbers of the filler metals or consumables (optional field);
- You may configure two custom fields for each project. This shows one of the custom fields (optional field);
- Use the advanced search feature to search and filter welds and edit locked welds and even delete welds in bulk;
Please see the section at the end on the process of saving welds.
Note: Keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V
(Cmd+C / Cmd + V for Mac)
for copying and pasting data from one cell to multiple cells will work in this page. You may also copy data from an Excel spreadsheet and paste it directly here. You may need to paste the data in steps for fields that are validated. For example, when you copy the data in WPS and welder ID fields together and paste them in another row, only the WPS details will show up. You need to paste the welder IDs alone again, as the welder IDs need to be validated for the selected WPS.
Advanced Search and Edit
Advanced search for welds
- Click on the "Advanced Search" button in the Weld Log page to open this pop up window;
- There are four search fields. Select the search criteria first (Drawing number will be shown as the default search criteria for the first search field) and then enter a few characters or click on the field below and select the values;
- The searched value will be displayed here;
- If there is more than one or two searched valued, this number will display how many values have been searched. Click on the number to reveal the searched values;
- You will see the count for the matching welds as you continue to filter;
- Showing the list of search criteria;
- Click on this button to load the filtered welds to the weld log page. A maximum of 1000 welds can be loaded to the weld log page. If the matching welds count is more than 1000, this button will be disabled;
Edit Locked Welds (Edit Welds & Delete Welds)
Edit locked welds and delete welds
- The label "Filtered Welds" will be displayed next to the count if the weld log is loaded with the advanced search results;
- The "Advanced Search" button colour will be different. If you click on this button again, you will see the search criteria and you can further refine the search results and load the welds to edit. The "Clear" button will clear the search results and return you to the normal weld log page;
- Change the slider button for "Edit Locked Welds" to edit the welds that are locked from editing. This feature is available only for the project administrators (By default the Super User and Account Administrators will have the Project Administrator privilege);
- The delete button will be enabled when the "Edit locked welds" button is on;
- Check the check boxes for the welds that need to be deleted and click the delete button;
Saving Changes to Welds
When you click the save button, WeldTrace will validate the changes. If there are any errors with any of the data, the relevant cells will be highlighted in red and the save button will be disabled.
Weld log save alertIf there are no issues with the data, you will be shown this message and the save process will run in the background:
Weld log save notificationOnce the changes are saved, a message will pop up at the top right hand corner. You will have to either refresh the page or visit another page and then click on the welds menu to see the changes i.e. upon saving the changes, the welds list page will not be refreshed automatically.
Weld log save message
Please note that the deleted welds cannot be restored;
Deleting welds will not give your account additional welds;
You may further refine the filtered welds using the search and filter functionality in the column headings, similar to Excel