Project Configuration
Once you create a project it has to configured before it can be used. You must be logged in as the Super User or as an Account Administrator to configure a new project.
There are two steps in the configuration. If you wish to use the settings of another project, you may clone the settings of that project instead. If you clone a project setting, you can avoid the following steps. Please read the next article to find out more about cloning a project setting.
In the first step you will need to select a logo, unit type, set NDE requirements, and select the users. The second step is to select the WPS and welders who will be used in the project.
Configuring a project - step 1
Configuring a project - step 1 cont'd
Configuring a project - step 1 cont'd
- Select the Division, Contractor and Customer from the dropdown lists if you haven't selected them when you created the project. All these are optional fields. If you haven't previously created a Division, Contractor or Customer in the Organization menu, you may add them here by clicking on the '+' button;
- Project Logo - Upload a logo for the project. Typically it could be that of your customer or that of the project. It is an optional field. If you have selected a customer, the customer's logo will be used for this project. If you do not upload a logo, your account logo will be used for the project. The project logo will replace the account logo in all the screens when you are using a project. Also the project reports will bear the project logo instead of the account logo;
- Repair Weld Creation - Select 1 or 2 if the repair welds are to be created automatically and if so, how many times the repair welds will need to be created. The choices are 0, 1 & 2. If you select 1, and if a weld fails visual inspection or any of the NDE, a repair weld will be created automatically once. For example, if a weld number W-100 fails visual inspection, W-100-R1 will be created. If W-100-R1 were to fail NDE, W-100-R2 will not be created. If you had selected 2 for this option, W-100-R2 would be created when W-100-R1 fails. If you select 0, a repair weld will not be created.
- Units - The units that you select for a project may be different from the account setting.
- View - rows per page - This is the setting for the maximum number of rows that will be displayed in the list pages. The options are 50, 100 or 250 rows per page. The pages where you edit data will display 1000 rows;
- Inspection & Testing Requirements - Here you can set the inspection & NDE requirements for the project and these settings will be applied to all the tags and drawings. You may change these settings for specific tags. Test types not selected earlier i.e. left at 0% in the required value at the time of initial configuration or subsequent edits will be available for editing. Once a test type is selected i.e. set to 1% or above and saved, they can be changed up or down from the initial value, but cannot be changed back to 0% i.e. once a test type is used in a project, it will always be available for use. If any previously set values are changed, a warning message will be shown - “Warning - You have made changes to the inspection and testing requirements. Do you want to apply these settings to all the project drawings and tags?" If you select “Yes,” the Inspection and Testing Requirements for all the project drawings and tags will be overwritten with the changes you have just made. If Visual Inspection is set at over 0%, then a user must be selected to discharge the role of the Welding Inspector;
- Project Administrator - The Super User and Account Administrators have access to all the projects as Project Administrators and their names will not be listed for selection to a project role. You may select another user as a project administrator;
- A "Welding Supervisor" is allowed to add and edit data within projects;
- A "Welding Inspector" is allowed to record results of visual inspection and optionally may be allowed to add and edit data within projects. If "Visual Inspection" is set to 0%, you will not be able to select a welding inspector. What these roles can and can't do can be defined in the Access Control screen. Read this article to learn about project roles and access control;
- If you select a letter from this row, you will be shown a list of all the users with their names starting with the letter selected;
- If there are some users available for another letter (with their names starting with that letter), the letter will be highlighted;
- If you select a user as a project administrator, the user will be removed from performing other roles (as a project administrator has full access to all the functions within a project). Once a user is selected, you will see a tick mark against that tile;
- The selected user will be added to the line below with an "x" button. If you click that button, the selected user will be removed from that role;
- A user may be selected for the roles of welding supervisor as well as welding inspector;
- Welders may be given access to a project if your account is in the Pro plan. Please read this article to find out more about giving login access to welders: Login for Welders;
- Custom Fields - You can add up to two custom fields and give them the desired names. These two fields will be shown in all the weld workflow screens. Minimum number of characters required for the field label is 4 and the maximum is 12;
- Pressure Testing and PWHT - You may change the slider button to use the Pressure Testing module in this project. Please read the article "Pressure Testing" to learn more about this feature. You may also change the slider button to use the Post Weld Heat Treatment module in this project. Please read the article "Post Weld Heat Treatment" to learn more about this feature;
- NDE for - You may set the option to "Completed welds only" or "All welds." 'Completed welds only' will make only the completed welds available for NDE. 'All welds' will make even the incomplete welds available for NDE. You may change these settings after configuring a project;
- Selection of welds for NDE - If you the select the 'Automatic' option, you will be guided through a workflow when you create a test pack to pick welds at random for NDE. The 'Manual' method will show the available welds and the NDE test types when creating a test pack. For more information on these two methods, please check the article "Creating a Test Pack."
- Comments - Comments or remarks about this project. You may use this area to upload images e.g. legend for weld mapping. This will get printed in the project data book in the project details section.
Please note that the settings for repair weld creation and system of units cannot be changed once the project is configured and saved.
The letter R with a hyphen as prefix "-R" cannot be used in weld numbers as it is reserved to denote the repair welds.
Please note that once you have used the pressure testing or the PWHT modules, the buttons to change the selection will be disabled.
Selection of WPS to use in the project
In the second step (Save & Add WPS), please select one of the options:
WPS configuration for a project
If you choose the first option "I will use all WPS and welders in this project," all the qualified WPS, welders and machines will be available for use in this project.
If you choose the second option "I will select the WPS and welders for this project," you will be taken to another page where you can search and select the WPS, welders and machines that will be available for use in this project. Please read the article "
Using specific WPS, welders and machines in a project" to learn more about this feature.
This pop up window will be shown only once. You will not be able to change this setting later.
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